Swords were used in the battlefields and for ceremonies as well and they have left an irremovable mark on our history. Are you looking to buy a sword? Before you make a choice, let’s get familiar with some significant Sword types and travel back in time to learn more about these historical weapons.
Khopesh is an efficient Egyptian sword featuring the shape of a sickle. In ancient Egypt, the elite troops responsible for protecting high-ranking individuals used this type of sword.
Though it was designed for perfect slashing, Khopesh was also used for stabbing. As per the historical records, the sword was originated in Mesopotamia. To buy a sword of this type, contact Battling Blade.
Gladius indicates the type of sword used by the Roman infantry. However, it did not originate in ancient Rome. Romans started using the sword following the Punic wars in the 3rd century BC and gradually improved and popularized it.
Gladius 50 to 60 cm in length, which featured a leaf-shaped blade, was used by the Roman cavalry. Due to its low weight, Gladius could be held in one hand, making the other hand free to hold a shield.
Two-handed sword
During the 15th century, appeared medieval two-handed swords. This deadly and powerful weapon had a blade around 1.7 meters in length, and it weighed around 3.2 kg or more.
When swung, the weight and impact could crush the armor or body of the enemy. But, it needed more space to be effective in close combat.
Two-handed swords are among the most-talked Sword types and were used by personal guards protecting wealthy individuals and also used on the battlefields.
As per legend, an Old Norse blacksmith called Ulfberht first forged this kind of blade. Originally, Ulfberht was a Frankish name, which suggests that the first sword of this type was built by the Franks, not by the Vikings.
The sword was noticeably light as well as flexible, enabling quick movements that are useful in close combats. Vikings adopted this sword because the weapon was an ideal fit for their fighting style.
Swords are not just weapons; they are artifacts with wider significance. In European history, swords were depicted on seals, coins, and frescos. Different Sword types were developed to suit specific fighting styles and as per the cultural significance. Now, you can easily buy a sword, and it’s time to explore the courage in real-time. Visit https://battlingblades.com/pages/about-us and explore the wide collection offered.